In-depth vacuuming and washing Services of vacuuming and in-depth washing of floors made of various materials
- vacuuming of premises with our cleaning agents and machines
- apart from everyday vacuuming, regular and in-depth vacuuming of carpetings is required
- in-depth vacuuming of carpetings (with vacuum cleaners such as Kirby) removes dust, maggots and microorganisms from deep parts of carpets that cannot be vacuumed with ordinary vacuum cleaners
- when vacuuming, dust does not come up in the air since it is absorbed almost completely by vacuum cleaners which is a feature of exclusively professional vacuum cleaners.
Vacuuming of carpetings / carpets
It is of cardinal importance for hygiene of business premises you stay in most of the day that apart from daily vacuuming also regular in-depth vacuuming of carpetings is performed. Such vacuuming removes dust, maggots and microorganisms that cannot be removed with ordinary vacuum cleaners, whereas professional vacuum cleaners ensure that dust does not come up in the air as they absorb it completely. Your carpets made of natural fibres or any other material that cannot be washed with water, can be washed with dry washing services using specialized chemical substances and professional machines. In order to define condition of stains and impurities of your carpets before our specialized technical team comes out on the terrain, our supervisor will talk to you and determine the manner in which carpets and other surfaces will be washed and you will also get immediately a concrete offer for the ordered cleansing task.
Washing services of stone
In washing services of stone complete impurities are removed and greatest attention is paid to removal of stains and fats. In order to protect the stone and prevent its further destruction, minimum two protective layers of polish are applied which gives it a high shine, so-called mirror effect. Cleaning dirt from stone such as granite, marble or ceramics may be problematic in case the stain is not removed straightaway since the stone is porose and impurities penetrate the inside of the stone. Each type of stone is specific and choice of wrong cleaning agent may cause irreversible damage of the stone surface. In cleaning of stone surfaces apart from stone material, attention should be also paid to the fact where the stain comes from, that is how it appaeared. Even if you choose proper chemical substance for certain stone type and the stain comes from some chemical compound, it may trigger more damage than good; for ex. you treat the stone with a chemical substance based on iron and there is acid in the stone. Instead of cleaning the stain, rust will appear.
Washing services of parquet floors
In parquet washing services the same principle as in stone washing is applied but with milder cleaning agents. Polish protects parquet and enables easier maintenance and dust collecting on the surface is removed faster. When vacuuming, special attention is paid to the manner of vacuuming since careless vacuuming with rough part of extension tubes for vacuuming, may scratch and ruin parquet. Incautious stain removing with wet wash-cloths may damage parquet to such an extent that it may swell.
All this we write about, we write from our experience in order to help you clean your premises in the easiest manner.
Turn to us with trust and ask for advice free of charge or an offer and we will try that black becomes white in your premises as well.