- refers primarily to cleaning of upholstered and leather furniture
- includes in-depth vacuuming and washing with adequate cleaning agents
Furniture cleaning includes dusting from elements and wiping the front parts with water and cloth. You know that already, don’t you? However, we’ll do it for you in case you engage us only for this, or for more serious business tasks. The result is always the same – clean furniture.
Professional furniture cleaning
Everybody already knows, furniture cleaning, nevertheless, we can still repeat that dust is one of the greatest allergy triggers. Dust penetrates all the furniture pores and tends to cause enormous problems for people’s health. Thereby, it’s not important whether there is dust in your home or business premises. In the first and second case it triggers serious problems, in business areas it is manifested in employees’ bad health which decreases working effect of the personnel and at home with inability to work which reduces monthly earnings but also requres expenses for expensive medicine against allergy. Not to talk about the body condition as well as about that dust is always accompanied with maggots and other impurities bad for health.
This is part when you should ask yourself whether you deserve to live and stay in a healthier and clean environment. Do you need somebody who will be in charge for cleaning your business premises, offices or home. If you deserve it, go on reading and you’ll see where we can help you.
Most often, except for maggots and dust, upholstered furniture has traces of stain resulting from various creams or fats which absorb the rest of dirt and persistent impurities arise that are really hard to remove with „non-professional“ not to write „amateur“ cleaning agents for furniture. Besides different creams and fats applied mostly onto upholstered furniture with dirty hands, one also often pours something such as juice, coffee or tea. Afterwards we have only a few minutes to remove the stain, otherwise it comes out with time and ugly circle of dark stain emerges. In case you have pets, the whole situation gets additionally complicated. The ones who have them, know what we’re talking about, and those who don’t have them will know it after they get them.
Then, when you’re with your strength ebbing, here we come… ZTS team for cleaning, furniture cleaning,
We are able to offer you furniture cleaning by means of in-depth cleaning of upholstery with mild professional furniture cleaning agents that slowly penetrate and absorb the dust which is removed with professional machines that rinse mechanically rubbed in cleaning agent with simultaneous spraying clean water and its vacuuming.
Furniture cleaning – leather
Maintaining furniture cleaning with leather sets clean, is somewhat else. Although leather is easier to be maintained, cleaning agents in household don’t meet the standards of high-quality maintained furtniture and effect of leather wear is obtained instead that leather becomes even more beautiful, which is something manually and professionally maintained leather sets can boast of. Or watch video cleaning…