- it is
performed with special cleaning agents that do not damage sufloor made of materials such as paint, plastics, wood, ceramics, rubber…
- agents for removing rust that we use are biodegradable, ecologically acceptable, organic, nonflammable, do not pollute and aren’t harmful in contact with leather
- some agents for removing rust are concentrates based on water with very high effect upon rusty copper, magnesium or aluminium
Removing rust
The biggest problem is the amterial on which the object to be cleaned is placed. We all know that acids erode metal and clean it of rust. However, rusty metal comes sometimes in combination with another kind of material that cannot be separated or is interwoven with one another. In this case special attention should be paid to using an agent that isn’t harmful for this other element and is simultaneously efficient for the rust. Likewise, rust may be found on some delicate metal objects that shouldn’t be dipped into most efficient acids that are the cheapest solution. Here we should bear in mind that the cheapest does not always mean the cheapest solution. It indicates that with this cheap and unprofessional treatment of certain metal, this object can be ruined, which in that case if possible has to be replaced with a new one, which requires financial means that are almost always greater than professional removing of rust.
Removal of rust
is in some cases treated with mechanical removing rust as well as taking down possible remaining parts of old paint or protective coat of paint that has lost its feature of material preservation. With such a treatment material regains its original shine unless we’re dealing with a rotten material, which in that case can’t be helped any more. This procedure is rather demanding since an area should be provided where removal of rust is performed.
In removing rust, very tiny dust appears coming from paints and other chemical substances that may penetrate lungs or eyes when tools and chemical substances are used inexpertly.
There are many ways „other people“ do that, but we have our own way, way of getting rid of rust. Removing rust is done within cleaning and maintaining your premises or as a specially agreed service. If case of any questions we are at your disposal.